Project Metrics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita.

Module 1: Participants

Patient Partners (n=59)

Providers (n=29)


3% Asian (2 people)

14% Black/African-American (8 people)

4.5% Mixed race (3 people)

3% Hispanic/Latinx (2 people)

75% White

14% Asian

3.5% Black/African-American (1 person)

83% White

Hispanic ethnicity

8.5% (5 people)

10% (3 people)

Our family lives in a

32% rural area

14% urban area

54% suburban area

Main source of insurance

29% government-sponsored/public

71% private

How long have you been on the transplant journey?

Patient Partners

How many years ago was your child’s/your first liver transplant?


How many years have you been providing healthcare for children with liver transplants?

Patient Partners (n=53)

Providers (n=32)

51 parents/caregivers + 2 liver transplant recipients

3 social workers/mental health providers

8 NP/RN/coordinators

17 MDs

3 admin/research coordinators

1 registered dietician

3 months – 20 years after 1st liver transplant

69% with >5 years experience in pediatric liver transplant

2% Asian, 17% African-American, 11% Multi-Racial, 68% White

15% Latinx

1 African-American, 1 Multi-Racial, 6 Asian

75% White

9% (n=3) Latinx

26% rural, 13% urban, 60% suburban

38% public insurance, 62% private insurance

Module 2: Participants

Patient Partners – how long have you been on the transplant journey?

Module 2 participants, by transplant center

Module 3: Participants

Patient Partners (n=47)

Providers (n=25)

43 parents/caregivers

4 liver transplant recipients

6 social workers/mental health providers

6 NP/RN/coordinators

10 MDs

3 admin/research coordinators

8 mo– 23 yrs after 1st liver transplant

57% <5 years post-transplant

56% with >5 years experience in pediatric liver transplant

23% African-American, 6% Multi-Racial or Other, 64% White

9% Latinx

84% White

3 Asian, 1 Multi-racial

1 Latinx

23% rural, 36% urban, 41% suburban

36% public insurance, 40% private insurance

40% RealTimeClinic App

60% JotForm

40% RealTimeClinic App

60% JotForm

Patient Partners – how long have you been on the transplant journey?

Module 3 participants, by transplant center

Patient Partners (n=27)

Providers (n=29)

27 parents/caregivers

No liver transplant recipients

4 social workers/mental health providers

9 NP/RN/coordinators

13 MDs

3 admin/research coordinators

70% <5 years post-transplant

55% with >5 years experience in pediatric liver transplant

2 African-American,  4 Multi-Racial, 3 Asian, 1 Native American

19% Latinx

66% White

10 Asian,  0 Multi-racial

2 Latinx

19% rural, 33% urban, 48% suburban

30% public insurance, 70% private insurance

11% RealTimeClinic App

89% JotForm

28% RealTimeClinic App

72% JotForm

Module 4: Participants

Module 4 participants, by transplant center

Module 5: Participants

Patient Partners (n=68)

Providers (n=15)

57 parents/caregiver

15 liver transplant recipients

4 social workers/mental health providers

4 NP/RN/coordinators

7 MDs

1 admin/research coordinators

1 Pharmacist

Years post-transplant

28% - <5 years

28% - 5-10 years

44% - 10+ years

50% with >5 years experience in pediatric liver transplant

7 African-American,  4 Multi-Racial, 3 Asian

10% Latinx

50% White

3 Asian, 2 African-American, 1 Multi-racial

2 Latinx

22% rural, 26% urban, 52% suburban

45% public insurance, 65% private insurance

Module 5 participants, by transplant center

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